Simon Anholt & Robert Govers

Nation and City Branding Masterclass

is taking place for the first time in Central and Eastern Europe in 2024. Its aim is to bring state of the art knowledge and experience on the topic of reputation management to cities, regions, and countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans. The long-term ambition is to assist in building nation and city brand strategies across the region.



Keynote speeches:

Competitive Identity (Simon Anholt)

The new brand management for nations, cities and regions. How national and civic identity can be a useful foundation on which to build international engagement and a better image.

Coffee break

Brand management and marketing (Robert Govers)

There is much confusion as to how the concepts of branding and marketing are applied to places. Govers will provide a detailed introduction to the various concepts involved and their practical implications.



Case studies (Simon Anholt and Robert Govers):

For over twenty years, Anholt and Govers have advised, supported and trained the governments of more than 70 nations, cities and regions. Many of these case studies have resulted in useful learnings which will be shared in this session. Cases include the Netherlands, Austria, Mexico, amongst others.

Coffee break

Panel discussion with Simon Anholt and Robert Govers and selected authorities (industry, exporting companies, tourism, etc)

How are Slovakia and its neighbours performing in terms of their brand image? What can be improved and how?

Closing address by Simon Anholt and Robert Govers

Anholt and Govers will present their main takeaways of the day.