Simon Anholt & Robert Govers

Nation and City Branding Masterclass

is taking place for the first time in Central and Eastern Europe in 2024. Its aim is to bring state of the art knowledge and experience on the topic of reputation management to cities, regions, and countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans. The long-term ambition is to assist in building nation and city brand strategies across the region.



  • 08:55

    Welcoming word by moderator of the Event

  • 09:00

    Opening word, Zuzana Mikulášová,
    executive director of Brand Slovensko

  • 09:05

    Opening speech, Dušan Keketi,
    minister of tourism and sports of Slovak Republic

  • 09:15

    Welcoming speech, Nigel Baker OBE MVO,
    British Ambassador to Slovakia

  • 09:25

    Introducing Simon Anholt, Zuzana Mikulášová,
    executive director of Brand Slovensko

  • 09:30

    Simon Anholt
    Competitive Identity

    The new brand management for nations, cities and regions. How national and civic identity can be a useful foundation on which to build international engagement and a better image.

  • 10:15

    Q&A (Simon Anholt)

10:30  Coffee break

  • 10:55

    Robert Govers, Brand management and marketing

    There is much confusion as to how the concepts of branding and marketing are applied to places. Govers will provide a detailed introduction to the various concepts involved and their practical implications including the case of Estonia.

  • 11:40

    Q&A(Robert Govers)

12:00  Lunch


Case studies (Simon Anholt and Robert Govers):

For over twenty years, Anholt and Govers have advised, supported, and trained the governments of more than 70 nations, cities, and regions. Many of these case studies have resulted in useful learnings which will be shared in this session.

  • 13:00

    Short introduction (Martin Lidaj, CEO, Business Alliance of Slovakia)

  • 13:05

    What do Austria, Mexico and others do?
    Case vignettes

  • 13:40

    What does the Netherlands do?
    In-depth case

  • 14:00

    How do Slovakia and its neighbours do?
    Image analysis

14:30  Coffee break

Panel discussion with Simon Anholt and Robert Govers and selected authorities

  • 15:00

    Short introduction speech

    Milan Jursa, Brand Slovensko

    Rastislav Podhorec, Eximbanka

Panel discussion A:

  • 15:05

    General discussion on the topic how Slovakia works with the topic of strategic reputation management of the country.

    Dušan Keketi, Minister, Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic

    Rastislav Chovanec, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic

    Kamil Šaško, State Secretary, Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic

    Rastislav Podhorec, Chairman of the Board of the Bank and General Director of Eximbanka

    Simon Anholt

    Robert Govers

  • 15:40

    Short introduction speech

    Zuzana Mikulášová, Brand Slovensko

    Michaela Podoláková, Association of tourism organizations

Panel discussion B:

  • 15:45

    Slovak Republic, tourism, and the brand of the country.

    Dušan Keketi, Minister, Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic

    Marek Harbuľák, State Secretary, Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic

    Michaela Podoláková, Association of Tourism Organizations

    Martin Novotný, general manager, Slovak Hotel and Restaurant Association

    Martin Lidaj, Managing Director, DMO Záhorie and Kopanice

    Simon Anholt

    Robert Govers

  • 16:20

    Peter Štarchoň, Dean, Faculty of Management, Comenius University, Bratislava

  • 16:25

    Closing address by Simon Anholt and Robert Govers - Anholt and Govers will present their main takeaways of the day.

  • 16:30

    Closing word, Zuzana Mikulášová, executive director of Brand Slovensko